Implementasi Program Corporate Social Responsibility Dibidang Sosial Perusahaan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. (SMSS))
This writing aims to find out the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs carried out by PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana in the social sector. PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana has implemented various CSR programs for community aspects in order to improve the welfare and quality of life of the people around the company. PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana has implemented various CSR programs for community aspects in order to improve the welfare and quality of life of the people around the company. PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana has implemented various CSR programs for community aspects in order to improve the welfare and quality of life of the people around the company.
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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas. (n.d.).
PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk dalam, diakses tanggal 7 Juni 2024. (n.d.).
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