Kebijakan Redaksional Ujung Pandang Ekspress Dalam Menyajikan Berita Politik Pada Portal Online
This research discusses the editorial policy of Ujung Pandang Ekspress in presenting political news. This research aims to find out the editorial policy of Ujung Pandang Ekspres in presenting political news on online portals and knowing the stages in raising political news that will be published on online portals. This research adopts a qualitative research method, which involves collecting data in the form of detailed narratives from respondents. The sources of information in this research include the deputy director, chief editor, and editor. This research utilizes two types of data, namely primary and secondary data. The data collection process included observation as well as interviews. Data analysis was conducted through three main steps: data simplification, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the working mechanism of Ujung Pandang Ekspress (Upeks) Daily in determining political news to be published involves several stages, namely editorial meetings, coverage process, editing process. After the editing process is complete, the editor-in-chief has the authority to determine which political news will be published. Related to these three stages are editorial meetings, reporting, and editing. The editorial policy of Ujung Pandang Ekspreks in presenting political news on the online portal involves several important considerations to determine whether a political news is worth publishing. News eligibility is determined based on the value of the news. Before the news is published, the editor-in-chief holds a meeting involving editors and editors to decide which political news will be published and in the meeting, priority is given to news that is current, factual, and in accordance with the needs of readers.
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