Konstruksi Makna Terkait Country Of Origin Brand Skintific Pada Komunitas Siber “X”
In 2023, there was a heated discussion regarding the issue that Skintific is not actually a product from Canada, despite its claim of being "Formulated in Canada," but is instead made in China. This issue gained traction on social media, particularly on X/Twitter, prompting a wide range of responses. This research was conducted to understand the meanings attributed by the X cyber community to the brand's country of origin. The study used netnography to deconstruct the norms influencing the decision-making of the group under study. Although some consumers were confused about the product's country of origin, this did not diminish their satisfaction with the product's effects on their skin. However, the majority of the online community expressed skepticism about the "Formulated in Canada" claim, which led to distrust, as the product is actually made in China. This was seen as a misleading marketing practice, resulting in dissatisfaction and disappointment among consumers.
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